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Kevin McCurley Aka, NERD Need your Help

Kevin McCurley AKA. NERD is looking for pictures of new morphs for his book.. This is your chance to get your picture in his book and get the credit for them.

Help Kevin.

I am presently gathering photographs and NEW mutation combos that have been produced over the past 2 - 3 Years. I am very interested in publishing the accomplishments of some of the new amazing mutations being produced. I need the morph, I need to know when you made it, if you have named it and most important I need a Hi resolution picture of the snake posed. The picture needs to be a GOOD picture that would be suitable to show off your accomplishment to the rest of the world. A nice posed snake on white would be the BEST but I am open to all good pictures. The picture will be given photo credit to the photographer and owner of the snake. I am very interested in noting what many smaller breeders are making.

I need your name or your company name credit to for the morph.

Email me @ info@newenglandreptile.com and tell me your morph and if I don't already have it I will ask for a picture. Please, make sure they are hi res picts such as Pict or Tiff files or even Raw.

If the picture is of low quality or the pose is not the best I may ask for another. Thank you all very much!!!!