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Str8Fire Reptiles
  • United States
  • VIP Breeder

Welcome to Str8Fire Reptiles

First off my name is La Vance and my girlfriend’s name is Westly. We invest our time and effort into raising quality ball pythons. We try our BEST to give them the best environment that we can. This website explains our hobby, keeping and breeding beautiful morphs. It allowed us to be in this reptile business for 3-4 years now, and have come along way, by learning about all the different morphs, breeding, babies, feeding, and their captivity. Our passion for ball pythons has also rubbed off on our kids who also find them fascinating. It’s been an amazing experience for us getting to know all the different morphs these amazing snakes can produce. But most of all, getting to know ALL the breeders from all over the world.

We maintain a small business and are able to interact with each of our snakes individually. This allows us to carefully maintain the well being of them, and to focus on our efforts on not only producing high quality BP’s, but also to maintain our excellence in customer service. We understand that purchasing a snake is a long-term commitment and we make every effort into being there for you every step of the way.

Best of all, we would like to see our future customers satisfied with taking home one of our snakes. Our goal is to try and make YOU feel as comfortable as possible for choosing our selective ball pythons. And that being said, we will always be there to answer any of your questions, comments, concerns, or if you just want to chat with us, we will gladly do so, because we want YOU to feel comfortable with US. We look forward to meeting new people, wether it’s a customer looking to buy, or just want some basic information about their environment, we ARE excited to be working with everyone. Last but not least, we are excited for what the future brings for us!!

Thank you so much for taking your time to look at our website.


La Vance & Westly
VIP Breeder
Str8Fire Reptiles has been VIP Breeder since 2012