The Kalabash Reduction Gene, briefly mentioned in the 2006 book by Barker and Barker "Pythons of the World Vol II" (Appendix II page 291) is by no means a new morph to the Ball Python scene. The original snake was adquired by Tom Carlton of Cypress Creek Reptiles from Dan Sutherland of TSK and has remained in Tom's private collection since. Tom has proved not only that it is an inheritable dominant trait but also that the original Kalabash Reduction Gene was a het Pied. Breeding the original Kalabash Reduction Gene het Pied to one of his daughters (not known to be het Pied at the time) produced two super high white Piebalds males and two Kalabash Reduction Gene ph Pieds. Tom sold one of the world's first high white Kalabash Reduction Gene Piebald males to Luis Diaz of juggler BP Ball Pythons back in 2011. In the Summer of 2013 Luis Diaz (juggler BP) replicated Tom's results by hatching seven Piebalds no hets from the Kalabash Reduction Gene Piebald to an unrelated Pastel het Piebald cross.