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Image of an Pinstripe Yellow Belly

Pinstripe Yellow Belly

Designer morph

The Yellow Belly gene influences the lighter brown/beige tones in the dorsal (top) and side non-pattenered areas. The most noticeable difference is when the color and pattern meet the "flames" up the sides near the ventral (stomach) area. In some cases the belly will be yellow in some areas (or patches) while the rest of the belly is white. Anywhere the black stripes or splotches open up seem to have lighter scale colors ranging from beige to orange tones.

You can definitely notice the differences in color and pattern when you have a regular pinstripe nearby. Unlike some other morphs it is easier to distinguish the Pinstripe Yellow Belly from its Pinstripe siblings in a clutch.

This is a subtle double gene morph that when placed into other  combinations will Amplify the Yellow Belly color gene and the Pinstripe pattern genes.

-Anthony Wrenn

Genetic wizard

Use Killer Blast in the genetic wizard.

Use as male
Use as female